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Gaufre piquée d'un drapeau belge

The waffle,
A Belgian specialty !

Belgium is known for its waffles all around the world. Really, what traveler hasn't visited this country and tried a delicious Liège waffle for a snack?

Boule de pâte prête à cuire

According to the legend, the birth of the Liège waffle dates back to the 18th century.
The prince-bishop of Liège had asked his head chef to make him something both tasty and sweet. In order to satisfy his prince, the chef experimented with a waffle griddle to create a new pastry, made from a vanilla dough sprinkled with large bits of pearl sugar. The creation was immediately a success, and the sugary waffle was born, its recipe written into Liège’s culinary traditions.

We strive to make sure that Le Comptoir Belge pays tribute to this ancestral recipe by offering you the most gourmet Liège waffle there is. Its sweet pastry dough gives it a light and moist interior, enveloped in a wonderfully crispy exterior, browned to perfection. Its distinctive feature: large, succulent pieces of pearl sugar, lightly melted in the center and deliciously caramelized on the outside.